Popular articles (中国电脑如何上youtube)
YOUTUBE为啥无法投射到超级电视上? - 乐迷社区:2021-3-1 · 乐迷社区是乐视官方互动交流社区,主要为广大的乐视用户提供YOUTUBE为啥无法投射到超级电视上?相关的资讯信息 楼主您好: 您的手机能正常访问youtube是因为使用了VPN,然而同一网络下的电视如果没有使用VPN,那么就无法播放youtube的 ...
Our mission is to track the conversations around research outputs online ...
Why has this mention of my paper been missed?
There are a few reasons why mentions of research outputs are not always auto...
You've missed some mentions, how can I get them added?
Despite our best efforts, sometimes we do miss mentions. If you feel ther...
I know this article was popular so why is the Altmetric Attention Score so low?
There are a few factors that could affect the level of attention we've ...
What scholarly identifiers are supported by Altmetric?
In order to track online attention to a research output, it needs to h...
How is the Altmetric Attention Score calculated?
While the most important part of an Altmetric report is the qualitative da...
Summon integration
Summon allows clients to integrate Altmetric badges in search results. ...
Publisher training and promotional materials
We've created a collection of training and promotional materials you ca...
What repositories and preprint servers does Altmetric track?
Altmetric tracks hundreds of institutional repositories, subject repositorie...
How can I suggest new sources to be tracked?
Altmetric currently tracks more than 14,000 blogs and 3000 news sources...